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astronomer royal 格林尼治[愛丁堡]天文臺臺長。


The prime meridian , which runs through greenwich in south - east london , became the basis for the world ' s time keeping in 1884 after the first astronomer royal , john flamstead , calculated that the earth rotated on its axis once every 24 hours 1884年,首位皇家天文學家約翰法蘭姆斯坦算出地球每隔24小時繞軸自轉1次,使得通過倫敦東南格林威治的本初子午線成為全球計時基準。

Carelessly . i was just chatting this afternoon at the viceregal lodge to my old pals , sir robert and lady ball , astronomer royal , at the levee 漫不經心地今天下午我還在總督官邸的一個招待會上,跟老朋友天文臺長羅伯特鮑爾爵士和夫人聊天來著。

“ space travel is bunk . ” ? sir harold spencer jones , astronomer royal of the uk , 1957 ( two weeks later sputnik orbited the earth ) “太空旅行是胡言亂語。 ” ? ?阿諾德斯班塞瓊斯爵士,英國皇家天文學家, 1957 ( 2周后斯巴尼克人造衛星環繞地球) 。

I was just chatting this afternoon at the viceregal lodge to my old pals , sir robert and lady ball , astronomer royal , at the levee 一位美國富翁為布盧姆在街頭募款。